Once you’ve determined your company’s mobility strategy, it’s time to put it into practice. This begins with the identification of the practical consequences for the way of working. In addition to the theory of the strategy, the practice of implementation must also match the ideas and interests of the company. That can be different with each company. Consider which activities you would like to take care of yourself and which you place in the hands of a specialist. Depending on the situation, there are many good answers to this question. There is not just one universal solution for all companies.
Factors play a part in the consideration, like the size of the company, the knowledge of global mobility within the organization and especially the HR department, in addition to specific features within the international components of the company. Business-related cultural importance is the role you want to play as an employer. Would you like a lot of assistance with international staff and like us to provide a high level of support and care? Or is your goal more limited to the inevitable and necessary processes? Between the two lie many choices that can each raise questions.
At Boxx, we find the answers based on our experience from inside out with multinationals. That knowledge is passed on with our work for you. For that reason, our service level is as flexible as the specific situation of your needs and demands. The broad spectrum we offer begins with “only’ performing as a supplier of the fundamentals and continues through a wide range of possibilities up to taking over the full role of HR in the field of mobility. If you need us to, we will take the care of your staff posted abroad on our shoulders, always acting in the manner in which you decide.